Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rangers Baseball Game

Max attended his 1st Texas Rangers baseball game on Wednesday!
Practicing his cheering before the game
The perfect fan
He better not get used to sitting in such awesome seats! All worn out and ready to go home
Within minutes of getting into the car he was snoozin' away
Thanks for inviting us Colbert and Stephanie - We had a great time!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Max's Baptism

On July 12th, Max was baptised at St. Phillip's Catholic Church. We felt extremely fortunate to have Deacon Ray perform the ceremony. He's been a family friend since I was born, and also married Douglas and me. All of our family was able to come and celebrate with us, making the day even more special!

Pouring the water over Max's head Anointing Max by making the Sign of the Cross with Oil
With his Godparents: Scott and Brandi

Playing with Grandma and Deacon RayHanging out with his cousins: Jaxon, Macey, Shelby, and HunterSo sweet!

Monday, July 6, 2009

1st Road Race

For as long as I can remember, my family has started the 4th of July by running in the Liberty 5k. So... it was only natural to enter Max in the 1 mile fun run.

He's so proud of his very 1st bib number!

Race Time:
Look at the determination on his face!

Post Race:

All worn out!

It's easy to see who ran the hardest!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Vote For Max

When Max was 6 weeks old, we took some family photos at a studio that holds a contest every month. They choose one photo from all of their sessions that month, and have people vote for their favorite. The winner receives a free picture, so... we need your votes!

Voting ends Monday, July 6th - so pass the word! Thanks! :)

Crazy Towel Fun

Getting Max squeaky clean in his bathtub is so much fun - especially when they end with him getting wrapped up in one of his crazy towels!