Friday, July 20, 2012

Silly Brothers

Max can always get a giggle out of his brothers...
A little lunchtime humor - acting like Puss in Boots
A little bathtime humor - tickle, tickle

The Zoo

Even in the Texas summer heat, the zoo is one of our favorite places to visit!
These two are such troopers in their stroller,
 but love getting out to explore.
 Koala Max
Max loves it when Daddy gets to join us, so he can ride the carousel.
He has so much fun picking the animal he's going to ride!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Little Readers

 Thankfully Calvin and Miles have a great role model, who shows them how much fun reading is!
Hopefully I've got 3 little bookworms!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Staying Cool

Even with the heat, there's no keeping these 3 indoors. 
We do our best to stay cooled off though...
Max's legs are almost long enough to ride his bike by himself!
Miles loves climbing in the 4x4

Friday, July 13, 2012

It happened...

Calvin and Miles figured out how to climb on the couch!
And the chairs, the TV stand, the table, etc...
Leaving Max with only one "safe" place to line up his toys -
Miles crib!
So far, Miles is just fine with that!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy 1st birthday Calvin & Miles

What an amazing year we've had with these 2 little guys! 
Happy Belated Birthday to Calvin Ryan and Miles Beck!
A little help from Max...
Celebrating on their actual birthday - Yummy!